National Courses Accommodation - R6500.00 per month.
Accommodation Rules: •Accommodation is paid upfront to Koshuis Kaya FNB 62661273442 BC 250655 ref: Student name and SurnameSurname, if the payment is not received the room will be locked until payment is made. •Accommodation rooms are shared by two individuals. •Three meals a day are provided for, laundry will be done weekly, all clothing and bedding to be marked clearly. Should any items get lost or damaged, the College can not be held responsible. •Students must provide their own bed, bedding, cutlery and crockery, and any pots, pans, or utensils they may want to use. •Prices are subject to exchange rates where applicable for registration and or course material and will be adjusted accordingly. •Increase or decrease percentages on prices will be determined by the College and enforceable with immediate effect. •If any Koshuis Kaya Fees are outstanding at the end of the study term no Certification will be done by PCDCollege as the studies and the hostel facility runs hand in hand. •The College Rules apply to all Students using Koshuis Kaya accommodation See Addendum A
Addendum A - PCD College Terms and Conditions for City & Guilds Students. Koshuis Kaya
1.The College Fees are firm and final and cannot be negotiated. 2.All fees are payable on the terms provided and are subject to increases, decreases, and applicable exchange rates. 3.For the Basic, Advanced and Solar courses all fees are payable at the latest a week before the course starts. 4.Accommodation is payable a week before the course starts. 5.No refunds will be given, you are welcome to come and do your course in the future if you can no longer do it now for whatever reason. 6.Any and all of the College properties are used at your own risk, PCD College, its directors, or staff members will not be held liable for any injury, theft, or death that may occur on our premises, the premises referred to is our Campus at 18 Louis Trichardt Street, Hostel 1 – 111 Louis Trichardt Street, Hostel 2 – 41Louis Trichardt Street Mayville and Hostel 3 – 13 National road, Kenley, Montana. 7.We are a narcotic and alcohol-FREE College and hostel institution and enforce a ZERO tolerance policy with regards to the usage of the above substances if found on your person or that you are intoxicated by narcotics or alcohol, (random tests will be done and K9 units may be brought in to search your room and belongings, whether you are at the hostel or not) you will be dismissed with immediate effect and you will be held liable for the full term course fee that you enrolled for.8.NO ladies allowed on the hostel premises at any time. 9.No person other than the student is allowed on the premises to use any facilities on the premises permitted. 10.No smoking is allowed in the rooms or hostel buildings or College Campus buildings, designated smoking areas are marked. 11.PPE to be worn at all times as indicated, it is the student’s responsibility to keep PPE in a good condition and replace it when needed. 12.When working off-site, students are expected to adhere to the site rules as well as PCD College Terms and conditions in totAL (as a whole). 13.When working on-site the student will NOT get paid, he will simply be there to gain practical experience to complete his qualification. 14.It is each student's own responsibility and expense to get to and from a practical site. 15.The student is responsible to hand in tasks and POE (Portfolio of Evidence) and any other work given and instructed to be handed in by the training facilitators. We have a calendar available in the administration building that indicates exactly when what must be handed in, please note that the calendar might change due to unforeseen events, if this should happen you will be notified in writing. 16.The food menu is drawn up, with input from the long-term students, and is revised once a year, in June. 17.Any complaint or suggestion must please be made in writing, we have an open-door policy and want the student to please come and tell us of any problem or make suggestions to improve their experience with us. Initial Parent/account paying individual Initial For PCD College 3 18.Each long-term student is handed a key to their room for their hostel. The fee for the key is R 50-00 and the replacement charge will be R 50-00. Please keep your key in a safe place since the loss thereof will be for your own expense. If you lose it or forget it you will be charged as stated above. 19.The hostel room is rented out on an annual basis and the fee is payable for the full year, even if you decide to move out before the year has elapsed, one month’s notice is required if you want to move out after the year has elapsed. All fees with regards to the hostel and accommodation are non-refundable. 20.PCD College has full access to all rooms 24 hours 7 days a week. This access is only for your own safety. We need to be able to get into your room if we feel you need help or have a reason for concern. We will reasonably access your room with two staff members at all times. 21.Please keep your personal valuable belongings locked up in your room at all times. PCD College will be responsible for no loss of any valuable or any item belonging to you. 22.Laundry will be done once a week and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure he puts his laundry at the allocated place on the right day. We don’t take responsibility for any damage during washing or ironing, we do your laundry at your own risk, to the best of our ability. All clothes must be marked clearly and placed into a clearly marked laundry bag, (o black refuse bags will be allowed). 23.Students and their parents, authorized guardians, or other persons are responsible for their own medical, life, and work insurance. 24.All students using the accommodation will be provided with a checklist on moving into their new rooms. You will go through the room together with a PCD College representative to ensure everything is in place. When you leave the residence, the same process will be followed and any damage done to the room or furniture in the room or bathroom will be for the account of the student upon the valuation of the damage caused. Both parents, authorized guardians, and persons responsible for payment must sign this contract, and a copy of both parents, authorized guardians, and persons responsible for payment must attach a positive identity proof (eg ID, driver's license, or passport). I Full Name and Surname with ID number: Id Number and Full Name and Surname with ID number: Id Number in capacity as parents, authorized guardians or person responsible for payment hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this contract in full. Signature 1: —Please choose an option—YesNo Date: Signature 2: —Please choose an option—YesNo Date: Payment of account will be responsible for by: Full Name and Surname with ID number: Id Number Signature: —Please choose an option—YesNo Date: Witness 1: Witness 1 Witness 2: Witness 2 For Koshuis Kaya: —Please choose an option—YesNo Date: